The Upstreet Agents SDK is now in public beta 🎉 Get started →

Setup the SDK

Get started with the Upstreet Agents SDK and begin building AI Agents today.

To start building with Upstreet AI Agents, first set up the Upstreet Agents SDK (usdk). If you're new to Agents, check out What are Agents? for a quick introduction.

For more on SDK architecture and capabilities, see our Concepts guide.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following:

Ensure the Node version is version 22.9.0 or above, else usdk will not work.

Install from NPM

To install the usdk command-line tool, use the following command:

npm install -g usdk

Verify Installation (optional)

To confirm a successful installation, check your SDK version:

usdk version

This command should return the installed version number. You can view all available versions of usdk on NPM.

Tip: While you can use npx usdk@latest <subcommand> to run usdk directly, we recommend specifying a fixed version for consistency.

Log into the SDK

Some SDK features require you to be logged in. To log in:

  1. Run the command:

    usdk login
  2. A browser will open. Log into Upstreet with your preferred authentication provider.

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